Why Bendy Farm?
Every good story starts with a why, and ours is no different. Bendy Farm was named after a genetic medical condition, Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, some of us have. We tend to be more bendy because our bodies have damaged connective tissue that often allows us to move well beyond a safe range of motion. This can cause a whole slew of symptoms and issues that happen more often than any of us would care to mention.
As of right now, h-EDS has no specific treatment protocols. It is the only form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that a genetic marker has not been published. The hope in our community is that once a gene(s) is found, researchers and doctors will be able to offer better treatments and options for those with h-EDS. Norris Lab at MUSC in South Carolina is making great progress in this effort. The Ehlers-Danlos Society works tirelessly to bring awareness, research, and education to all aspects of EDS. That is why we at Bendy Farm have pledged to give a portion of every sale to help fund both of these organizations.
THANK YOU.. Our business may be small, but your support allows us to do BIG things for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome!
For more information on Norris Lab click here.
To help fund research for h-EDS click here.
To learn more about The Ehlers-Danlos Society or to donate click here.